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21 juillet, 2015
Résumé exécutif - Obstacles à la cohésion sociale et dynamiques de violence impliquant les jeunes dans l'espace urbain

This executive summary outlines the report detailing the results of the participatory research on obstacles to social cohesion and dynamics of youth violence in the urban spaces of Abidjan, and most notably the neighbourhoods of Abobo, Treichville and Yopougon. Four elements have been identified through this research, as obstacles to social cohesion and contributors to […]

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21 juillet, 2015
Obstacles à la cohésion sociale et dynamiques de violence impliquant les jeunes dans l'espace urbain

This report details the results of the participatory research on obstacles to social cohesion and dynamics of youth violence in the urban spaces of Abidjan, and most notably the neighbourhoods of Abobo, Treichville and Yopougon. Four elements have been identified through this research, as obstacles to social cohesion and contributors to urban youth violence: (i) […]

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16 juillet, 2015
Resumen de los resultados del foro 'Qué hemos hecho y hacia donde vamos?

This resumé presents the results of the forum 'What have we done and where are we heading?' held in Guatemala on 16 July 2015. This event presented a good occasion to share experiences on different actions and societal capacities to face the current political crisis.

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2 juillet, 2015
Journal of Peacebuilding n°4

This edition of the Journal of Peacebuilding focuses on the role of the private sector in peacebuilding.

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2 juillet, 2015
An interview with Hans Peter

Hans Peter shares his vision about the challenges to peace in Guatemala from the perspective of the private sector.

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1 juillet, 2015
What options for business? Working around, in or on armed violence

Achim Wennmann, Executive Coordinator of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, sheds light on how companies work around, in or on armed violence, and on some entry points for a more direct role for business in armed violence reduction and prevention (AVRP) programmes.

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